Call for Abstracts
Abstract Submissions are now closed
The Continence Foundation of Australia is accepting Podium, ePoster presentation submissions for the 33rd National Conference on Incontinence 2025 to be held at Hobart Grand Chancellor in Tasmania on 7-10 May 2025.
The National Conference on Incontinence poses a wonderful professional development, networking and learning opportunity for health professionals across Australia and overseas working in bladder, bowel and pelvic health.We invite you to be part of this conference by applying to present.
Scholarship Awards
for Best Scientific Podium Presentation and Best ePoster
Submit your abstract for a chance to win one of two prestigious awards!
Travel Scholarship
Award for Best Podium Presentation
Sponsored by the Continence
Foundation of Australia
A $5,000 travel grant to present your scientific abstract at an international
As the recipient, you will receive a $5,000 grant to support your participation
in an international conference, where you will present your winning abstract.
Prize for Best
ePoster Presentation
Sponsored by the Continence
Foundation of Australia
A $400 cash prize for the best ePoster presentation.
As the recipient, you will receive a $400 cash award.
If this is your first time submitting an abstract for the Conference, you must click on the blue ‘Create New Account’ button before being able to create your submission.
This will prompt you to enter your email address and create a password for your account. Once complete click on the ‘create’ button. You will then need to create a profile which is completed on the Contact Information tab. After creating a contact, additional tabs will appear that will enable you to submit, edit and withdraw any of your submission(s).
Note. If you have already created a profile, you will only need to enter your email address and password and click ‘Sign in’
Please read the following instructions on how to prepare and submit your abstract for the 33rd National Conference on Incontinence.
Submissions will be returned if the guidelines are not adhered to. Accepted abstracts will be published exactly as they are submitted.
* Abstracts submitted in hard copy will not be accepted. Only abstracts submitted via the online portal will be accepted and reviewed.
*All abstracts must be prepared in English.
*Applications for multiple workshop proposals will be accepted. However, speakers and workshop chairs can only participate in a maximum of two workshops.
All accepted abstracts will be:
Please remember to proof read the abstract submission before pressing submit.
Registrations Open | 12 Nov 2024 |
Preliminary Program Released | 12 Nov 2024 |
Workshop Submissions Close | 15 Dec 2024 |
Abstract Submissions Close | 22 Jan 2025 |
Notification to Authors | 26 Feb 2025 |
Presenter Registration Deadline | 10 Mar 2025 |
NCOI 2025 | 7-10 May 2025 |
Submitting an abstract is a multi-step process:
STEP 1: Abstract title (max. 15 words) - your title should be brief but long enough to clearly indicate the nature of the abstract. If you wish to include a subtitle, it must be included in the abstract body.
Presentation - select your preferred type of presentaiton in the drop down field.
STEP 2: Authors & affiliations – Your details as the main contact will automatically appear as an affiliation and author. You will need to begin by checking your details are correct and ticking if you are a presenter. Once it has been completed, you can add any additional authors and affiliations.
Please enter all authors in the order they should appear in the head of the abstract. If you (the Contact Author) are not the Presenter on a submission, you will need to provide contact information on the Presenter.
* Please enter the affiliation number in the corresponding box for the abstract author.
* Please ensure the spelling of their names and affiliations (if applicable) is correct.
* Please consult with your co-authors on how they would like their names to appear.
Biography of Presenting Author (max 100. words) - Provide a biography of the Presenting Author exactly as it should be published on the website and conference app. The biography is limited to 100 words and preferably written in third person.
STEP 3: Abstract (max. 500 words)
Podium / ePoster Abstracts
Abstracts that do not comply will be rejected
STEP 4: Confirm the following items for your submission
STEP 5: Once complete you will be taken to a summary page to review all the details you have entered. Please ensure you click ‘Submit’ in order for your submission to be entered. You will be sent a confirmation email.
All abstracts must be prepared in English.
The first author listed for each abstract serves as the corresponding author and as the primary contact for all correspondence regarding the abstract. The corresponding author is responsible for the following:
All abstracts will be scored using the following scoring criteria:
For technical assistance, regarding the abstract submission site, contact the Conference Managers of the Continence Foundation of Australia at +61 2 9431 8600 Monday through Friday, or by email
For general abstract enquiries, email
NCOI25 Conference Managers
C/- The Association Specialists
P: +61 2 9431 8600