33rd National Conference on Incontinence
7 - 10 May 2025
Hotel Grand Chancellor, Hobart TAS


Call for Workshops

Workshop Submissions are now open until 11:59pm Wednesday 15th December 2024

The Continence Foundation of Australia is accepting Workshop submissions for the 33rd National Conference on Incontinence 2025 to be held at Hobart Grand Chancellor in Tasmania on 7-10 May 2025. 

The National Conference on Incontinence poses a wonderful professional development, networking and learning opportunity for health professionals across Australia and overseas working in bladder, bowel and pelvic health.

We invite you to be part of this conference by applying to present.

Accessing the portal

If this is your first time submitting a Workshop for the Conference, you must click on the blue ‘Create New Account’ button before being able to create your submission.

This will prompt you to enter your email address and create a password for your account. Once complete click on the ‘create’ button. You will then need to create a profile which is completed on the Contact Information tab. After creating a contact, additional tabs will appear that will enable you to submit, edit and withdraw any of your submission(s).

Note. If you have already created a profile, you will only need to enter your email address and password and click ‘Sign in’

Guidelines and submission instructions

Please read the following instructions on how to prepare and submit your workshop for the 33rd National Conference on Incontinence. 

Submissions will be returned if the guidelines are not adhered to. Accepted workshops will be published exactly as they are submitted. 


* Workshops submitted in hard copy will not be accepted. Only workshops submitted via the online portal will be accepted and reviewed.

*All workshops must be prepared in English.

*Applications for multiple workshop proposals will be accepted. However, speakers and workshop chairs can only participate in a maximum of two workshops.

All accepted workshops will be:

  • published exactly as they are submitted
  • published in the Australian and New Zealand Continence Journal (podium presentations and ePoster abstracts only)
  • appear in the Conference app 
  • made available to the conference delegates

Please remember to proofread the abstract submission before pressing submit. 

Key Dates

Registrations Open 12 Nov 2024
Preliminary Program Released12 Nov 2024
Workshop Submissions Close 15 Dec 2024
Abstract Submissions Close 15 Jan 2025
Notification to Workshops  21 Jan 2025
Presenter Registration Deadline 1 Feb 2025
NCOI 2025 7-10 May 2025


  • Workshops are scheduled for Wednesday 7 May at the Grand Challenor Hobart, unless offsite facilities are approved and available
  • Workshop duration:
    • ½ day – 9.00am to 12.30pm or 1.30pm to 5.00pm with ½ hour coffee break
    • Full day – 9.00am to 5.00pm (includes 2 x ½ coffee breaks and 1-hour lunch break)
  • The confirmed time of accepted workshops will be announced in the Conference Program once made available.
  • Workshops are scientific activities proposed and delivered by members and non-members.
  • The workshop format options may include Seminars, Debates, Discussion groups, Forums.

Submitting your Workshop 

  • There are no restrictions on the number of submissions you may submit or the number of submissions you may present
  • The deadline for electronic submissions for abstracts is 15 December 2024 at 11:59pm, AEST.
The online portal offers a text-based submission form where you will be required to enter the information regarding your abstract, such as title, authors, biography, etc.

Workshop Abstracts

  • Enter the abstract text, by either copy/pasting from your word file or typing in the information. Click here for abstract writing tips
  • In submitting this application, the workshop chair is agreeing to coordinate this workshop and understands and agrees to the following:
  • Applicants must:
    • Specify the format and topic of workshop.
    • Include the workshop chair's related experience and qualifications as well as relevant publications.
    • Describe the workshop program's aims and objectives in 100 words or less.
    • Describe the workshop program's educational value in 150 words or less.
    • Prepare an outline of the proposed workshop program.
    • Identify any requests for financial support for workshop speakers. This cannot be requested after the workshop has been approved.
    • Propose a budget for any additional expected costs.
      • Workshop chairs and their speakers will NOT be paid an honorarium. However, individuals whose areas of expertise are outside member organisation disciplines, and who would not normally attend the annual meeting, and are not members of the Continence Foundation of Australia may be reimbursed for expenses incurred to facilitate the workshop, excluding airfares / accommodation / conference registration.
      • Expenses need to be approved by the Scientific Committee and therefore must be noted in the application form with the estimated value and reasons why expenses should be covered. Request for expenses will not be considered after approval of the workshop.
    • Any special requirements (e.g. additional computers, and anything required for practical demonstrations), must be outlined in the application form. Requests not specifically detailed on the application may not be approved and therefore may reduce the overall educational quality of the workshop.
    • A workshop chair must specify if the workshop should have a limited number of attendees due to limited space, equipment, or cost.
    • Each workshop is allowed only ONE chairperson. It is the responsibility of the chair to invite and organise all speakers in the workshop. The availability of each speaker should be confirmed prior to inclusion on the application to minimise late changes.
    • It is the responsibility of the workshop chair to keep the speakers, and the Scientific Committee updated of any changes or updates to the workshop, once accepted.
    • Handouts (syllabus material) are encouraged for each workshop. It is the responsibility of the workshop chair to inform the speakers that syllabus material for each presentation must be prepared. The chair must collect all handouts and submit them to Continence Foundation of Australia National Office, prior to the conference, for printing.
    • It is important that the workshop chair does not underestimate the amount of time, and the responsibility required to develop and chair a workshop.

Workshop acceptance/rejection notifications

  • You will be notified electronically of the acceptance/rejection of your abstract on the 21st of January 2025 
  • Only the corresponding author will be notified. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to notify all co-authors
  • If you do not receive your notification by Friday 24 January, you should contact eventscontinence@theassociationspecialists.com.au 

Submitting more than one Workshop

If you are submitting more than one abstract, complete the first submission then click on ‘Workshop submission’ at the top of the screen to submit a new abstract. Please follow the same steps as above to complete the submission.


Work submitted for presentation at this conference must not have been previously published or presented at another conference (for example International Continence Society). Please do not submit case reports as they are not permitted and will not be reviewed.


All abstracts must be prepared in English.

Product Name Usage

  • For purposes of blind scoring, institutional names must be omitted whenever possible in the title and body of the abstract.
  • Authors are requested to avoid the use of commercially branded names.
  • If a specific device is only identifiable by its trade name, then this should appear in brackets after a generic description of the device.
  • Should it be necessary to use a trade name, then the trade names of all similar products or those within a class must be used.

Responsibilities of the Corresponding Author

The first author listed for each abstract serves as the corresponding author and as the primary contact for all correspondence regarding the abstract. The corresponding author is responsible for the following:

  • Ensuring that all authors have read the abstract and agreed to be authors
  • Notifying all co-authors of any additions, deletions and changes to the program, as may be communicated by the Continence Foundation of Australia
  • Obtaining all the conflict-of-interest disclosures
  • Reviewing all presentation material prior to the commencement of the workshop to ensure all material meets the guidelines as outlined in this document.
  • The workshop chair must confirm if there is an intent for equipment to be used or promoted at the workshop. If yes, full details must be provided in the submission
  • The workshop chair must confirm if there is any agreement or intent to request equipment from an identified sponsor for the workshop. If yes, full details must be provided in the submission. Please note that the Continence Foundation of Australia remains the sole contact for all workshop sponsorship. 


  • Carefully check the proof of your abstract. Make sure all special characters and formatting are displaying properly in your proof.
  • If you find errors, return to the appropriate page by clicking on the page name in the left-hand menu to make your corrections.
  • You may return to the online submission site to revise your abstract until 15 December 2024 at 11:59pm AEST.
  • After this date/time, the submission site will close, and no additional changes/edits can be made.
  • If your abstract contains errors, you may opt to withdraw the abstract.
  • If you have not completed all required sections and details, you will not be able to submit.
  • When all required information is entered, the "Conclude Submission" button will appear at the bottom of the "Confirmation" step.


  • After 15th December corresponding authors may submit a request to have an abstract withdrawn.
  • To withdraw a submitted abstract after the deadline, written notification must be sent to eventscontinence@theassociationspecialists.com.au
  • This notification must include the title, authors and affiliations (as submitted), name affiliation, phone, and email of the submitter.
  • We recommend using the summary page as part of this notification.
  • For an accepted abstract to be withdrawn and not appear in publications, notification must be received by Monday 3 March 2025. 
  • After this date, withdrawals are still accepted but abstracts may still appear in the conference materials.

Need help?

For technical assistance, regarding the abstract submission site, contact the Conference Managers of the Continence Foundation of Australia at +61 2 9431 8600 Monday through Friday, or by email eventscontinence@theassociationspecialists.com.au

For general abstract enquiries, email eventscontinence@theassociationspecialists.com.au


NCOI25 Conference Managers
C/- The Association Specialists

P: +61 2 9431 8600
E: eventscontinence@theassociationspecialists.com.au