State and Territory Advisory Committees'
Education Days 2024
Sponsorship and Exhibition
We invite you to participate in our Education Days across Australia. These Education Days pose an informative professional development, networking and learning opportunity for health professionals across Australia and overseas working in bladder, bowel and pelvic floor health. We invite industry partners, businesses and other relevant stakeholder agencies of continence related products to participate in sponsorship in support of this program.
Your company’s participation will affirm your position as a major industry stakeholder and provide opportunities to both grow your business, network, strategically target your markets and educate delegates.
If you're interested in learning more about the sponsorship or exhibition opportunities available, please get in touch with us using the contact details provided below.
We would be delighted to discuss any sponsorship package ideas or combinations of packages that may be suitable for your organisation.
Rosa Siderelis
Events Manager
Continence Foundation of Australia
P: +61 3 8692 8400
STAC Education Days Event Organisers
C/- Cornerstone Events
Continence Foundation of Australia
Suite 1, 407 Canterbury Road
Surrey Hills VIC 3127
P: +61 3 8692 8400